Monday, October 29, 2007

Take Time to Enjoy!

Okay, so now you have had the discussion, and guess what, he feels the same as you do, or at least he is on his way to feeling as you do. What now? First of all, take some time to enjoy where you are. When you started this whole adventure you were not sure how to love yourself, let alone love someone else. Now, you have gone through a huge transformation. Let's look again at the steps along the way.

  1. You worked on yourself to figure out why you chose the kind of partners that you had in the past.
  2. You really began to look at who you were, and spent some time loving yourself completely.
  3. You made lists of what you wanted in a mate, and you sorted that list into what was really important for you to be in a relationship with someone.
  4. You made yourself as authentic, open, and available as possible.
  5. You let your friends, relatives, and co-workers know that you were single and looking for dating opportunities.
  6. You got out there, and tried dating, and didn't write off the types of men you had in the past, and you had some fun while you were at it.
  7. When you met someone you were interested in, you made sure that they had many of the qualities you were looking for, and if they had a lot of qualities you didn't want, you let them go.
  8. You stayed authentic to who you are throughout all of this, and you allowed some mystery in your romantic life.
  9. You gave it time to let the relationship unfold, rather than forcing it into your time schedule or agenda.
  10. You decided when the time was right to move forward in the relationship, and you allowed your partner into you heart, and let him know where you wanted to go.
  11. You prepared yourself for the outcome of this discussion, by being ready to accept his hopes for the relationship, and know that you would be strong no matter what the outcome.

And now you are ready to more forward and begin the relationship of your life. What next? The next step is called "acting as if", and this step is used to attract and build what you want.

First however, I want you to take this next week to reflect back on how far you have come, and enjoy it all. This is your chance!


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