Monday, January 21, 2008

If You Build It, They Will Come

What do you do when you are waiting for romance in your life? What do you do when you are single and trying to love yourself first? The answer is simple you build the life you have always dreamed of! Doesn't sound simple, well it is easier than you think.

What I do is spend some time visualizing that life every day. My coach told me to start pretending I was the Ideal Marquita, and then as I went through my day, to ask myself "Would the Ideal Marquita be doing this right now?" If the answer was yes, than I should keep doing more of that. If the answer was no, then I should ask myself how much longer I would keep doing something that is not part of my most authentic life. Let me give you an example. When I picture the Ideal Me, she is athletic, trim, enjoys hiking, rafting, golfing, snorkeling, traveling, hanging out with grandchildren (yes, I have grandchildren!), being married to her husband, and she absolutely loves adventure, and she works for herself and is a great writer and coach. Boy, that was a mouthful! The truth is some days I spend a lot of time being the Ideal Me, and some days she doesn't even come into the picture!

What happens when I consider what is ideal for me is that I look a lot closer at how I spend my time, and as in the last post, I consider what story I am telling. What I try to do is spend a little more time each day doing things that will lead me closer to who I want to be. This might mean that if I want to be trim and athletic, I need to add more movement to my life. This might mean that if I want to be a good coach, that I continue to learn and grow and be open to new ways of coaching.

If you will take a few minutes each morning and visual your ideal life and who the Ideal You is, you will find ways to move closer to being that person. I promise you that if you do this, people will be drawn to the amazing person you have become and will be ecstatic to spend time with you!


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