Friday, April 11, 2008

Cleaning Out the Cobwebs

The weather has been warming up and as the sun begins shining through my windows for the first time in a long time, I am beginning to see all the dust and spider webs that have accumulated this winter.
Sometimes our relationships need to be dusted off and the cobwebs swept, so that they don't become stale and lose their luster. My plan for this weekend is to spend a little time airing out my marriage and shining it up a little.

I have been so busy lately that it seems my husband and I have been going so many different ways that we haven't had much time for romance or spending time with each other.

We are both somewhat low maintenance as a rule. He is pretty secure in who he is and is able to take care of himself and his needs when I am busy. I am also good alone, and don't need to be constantly attended too. The problem with this, is that when we get busy, we don't get enough time together.

When this happens, it is important that we talk, and remind ourselves how much we love each other. One thing we always do is eat dinner together and talk about our day. When we get a free evening, we see a movie or take a long walk together and make sure that we don't put making love on the back burner.

If you are in a relationship, does it need some dusting off and sprucing up? How about a date night? Go out, spend time together, and make out like high school kids.

If you are not in a romance, how is your relationship with you? Do you need to call some friends and make a date to go out dancing, see a ball game, go camping?

Relationships require tending, just as flowers or pets do. If you are seeing dust and cobwebs and weeds, how can you tend to your relationships this week?


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